Classroom Standards


  1. Attendance is an essential part of the educational experience. Wilmington University expects students to exercise good judgment regarding attendance and absences.
    • Classroom: All students are expected to attend every scheduled meeting of each class on time. Exceptions may be made at the instructor’s discretion for Wilmington University-sponsored or work-related activities, illnesses, or valid emergencies. Students should accept full responsibility for ensuring that academic work does not suffer as a result of absences. Unless excused by the instructor, arrival in class more than 30 minutes late or leaving class before it is dismissed will result in being marked absent.
    • Online: Attendance in an online class is defined as logging into Blackboard at least once a week and participating in the weekly discussions as well as submitting weekly assignments.
  2. Students who are absent without excuse for the first two (2) sessions of a course will be administratively dropped from the course. This may have negative consequences for financial awards and/or standing with the University.
  3. The University’s registration policy allows for late registration during the first week of classes. Students should not be penalized for missing the first class if they register after the first class meeting; they should, however, be marked absent. Students should be allowed to make up whatever work was missed, for full credit. If making the work up is a burden, such as a science lab, then there should be an alternative assignment worth the same amount of credits.
  4. Excessive absences (defined as three or more unexcused absences per semester course or 2 or more unexcused absences per block course) will result in a final grade of FA (Failure due to Absence1). This consequence may negatively affect student financial aid status and/or standing with the University.
  5. The instructor will review absences on a case-by-case basis. A student will be asked for documentation when requesting an excused absence.
  6. Students who are absent or enroll late in a course are responsible for checking to see what assignments have been missed. This can be done by reviewing the course syllabus and Blackboard and/or by checking with the instructor. The instructor will determine if make-up work for assignments missed as a result of unexcused absences will be accepted.
  7. 1 See complete grade scale

    Late Assignments

    This policy is to be defined by individual instructors according to assignment requirements and must be included in the course syllabus.

    Mobile Devices in the Classroom

    All cell phone ringers must be silenced during class time. Laptops, cell phones, and other mobile devices are to be used only for educational purposes, such as taking notes or researching class topics on the Web. Using these devices for non-educational purposes such as answering calls, sending text messages, updating social media, and other such activities during class is not permitted.


    In courses that require textbooks, every student must have his or her own copy of the current edition required by the course. Failure to comply may negatively affect student course grades.

    Academic Integrity

    Students at Wilmington University are expected to be honest and forthright in all academic pursuits. Activities such as falsifying the results of research, plagiarizing, attempting to cheat on assignments or exams, or assisting another in committing such acts are treated as serious offenses. When a student places his or her name on any academic work, the student certifies the originality of all work not otherwise identified by appropriate acknowledgement. For more information about Wilmington University’s Academic Integrity Policy, please refer to: Wilmington University Academic Integrity webpage and Wilmington University Student Handbook

    Classroom Behavior

    While Wilmington University supports the First Amendment right to free speech, students are expected to demonstrate respect for others from different cultural, political, and religious worldviews. Students are also expected to maintain a positive demeanor in the classroom and actively participate in classroom discussions and activities. Behaviors such as sleeping, profanity, disruptive private conversations, inappropriate jokes, behaviors that are overtly sexual or otherwise disruptive, or behaviors that disrespect the instructor or other students will not be tolerated. For more detailed information regarding student responsibilities, see the Wilmington University Code of Conduct