Writing Position Descriptions for Work-Integrated Learning

Though similar in many ways to job descriptions, internship/Co-op position descriptions have unique attributes that help establish a focus on student learning and ensure that student and employer have shared expectations.

Standard Sections 

Similar to Job Descriptions:

  • Sell your organization - Make candidates excited about what your organization does.  Mention why your organization matters, what makes it special, and why readers should intern there.
  • Describe the role - Tell potential interns how they will be contributing to your organization, projects they will work on, teams they will be a part of, tasks they will be handling, etc.
  • List requirements - What skills, characteristics, and interests would make a successful intern/Co-op?  Mention whether they are required or just desired.
  • Application instructions - What do applicants need to submit, how, and by when?
  • Compensation - How much will students be paid?

Section on Expected Learning

Describe what students will learn:

  • Though students are eager to contribute to your organization, they are also curious as to what they will gain from the experience.
  • Including a learning section helps students know you are committed to their learning and success.

Sample Section Titles:

  • What you will learn
  • Students will develop skills in
  • You will gain experience in
  • How you will benefit

Desired Learning Prompt

Ask Students to Reflect:

  • Ask students to include a few ideas about what they would like to learn in their cover letter.
  • This helps students develop a habit of reflection and helps ensure a good match.

Logistical Expectations

Be Clear About:

  • Opportunity start and end date.
  • Expected hours per week.
  • Location of Work-Integrated Learning site.