Course Descriptions

Administration of Justice

MAJ 6600
Criminological Theory
3 credits

This course provides an overview of the nature and scope of crime and deviance through a comprehensive survey of criminological theories that presents a systematic and critical analysis of traditional and contemporary theory. Existing theories will be examined within the context of contemporary issues as students build upon classical theory in a variety of contexts and become familiar with the work of the theoreticians in the field. Major emphasis will be placed upon analyzing topics that demonstrate the relationship of theory to practice.

MAJ 6601
Typologies of Crime
3 credits

Criminal behavior and the various typologies of criminal activity will be studied through applied and theoretical perspectives. Case studies and court cases will be used to highlight the issues that impact on the various types of criminal activity. The course provides an examination of the criminal behavior that has led to the development of specialized categories of crime and criminals, including criminal career offenders and the occasional offender as it relates to white collar crime, organized crime, political crime, violent crime, property crime, and the variations of each.

MAJ 6602
Criminal Justice Ethics
3 credits

This course will explore the ethical issues that confront modern practitioners in the various criminal justice settings. Both the theoretical and applied applications will be presented. Topics will include individual moral responsibility, dual relationships, falsification and lying, perjury, abuse of force and authority, and the concept of use of discretionary authority. The development and enforcement of the organizational code of ethics will be discussed, as well as the role of the Internal Affairs unit and the body of law that has been developed in that area. Case studies will be reviewed.

MAJ 6603
Managing Diversity
3 credits

This course addresses the diversity issues that impact the criminal justice agency both internally and externally. Students will review the cultural contributions of the several populations that criminal justice agencies serve. The behavioral cycle that produces prejudice, stereotyping, scapegoating, discrimination, and racism will be discussed. Recruiting, testing, hiring, retention, and promotion will be presented as management issues. Discussions will focus on developing positive solutions to more adequately meet the challenges of working with and serving diverse populations.

MAJ 6604
Technology for Modern Policing
3 credits

The topics in this course are geared toward the modern police executive who must be conversant in the application and operation of the variety of systems that are used in contemporary police work. Subject matter will include the Internet, National Crime Information Center, project management, crime mapping, major case applications, interfacing networks, computerized record keeping, communication systems, mobile data terminals, and other topics identified by the interests of the participants. Discussions will include issues of implementation of programs and obtaining funding sources for equipment. Agency training issues will also be addressed.

MAJ 6605
Supervision and Management
3 credits

This course focuses on the supervision and management function of the criminal justice agency through an examination of the principles, structures, and processes of supervision and management. An analysis of the current principles and theories of professional management will be presented in a problem-solving format that will emphasize practice. A focus on the impact of policy decisions on the criminal justice organization will test the decision-making process. Specific operational and staff functions of personnel, planning, organization, budgeting, labor relations, employee assistance, and other identified topics will be presented.

MAJ 6606
Crisis Management
3 credits

The focus of this course is the study of the crisis phenomenon as it affects law enforcement and private industry. Topics include hostage/barricade incidents, workplace violence, school violence, product tampering, and major case issues. Emphasis is placed on the decision-making process. Protocols for dealing with several types of incidents and the behavioral issues of perpetrators will be discussed. Topics will also include crisis management theory, planning responses to crisis, formation of crisis management response teams, and dealing with the aftermath of crisis situations.

MAJ 6607
Workplace Law and Liability
3 credits

Federal and state laws that impact on the criminal justice workplace will be presented in a case study seminar format that emphasizes civil liability. The topics of negligence in hiring, retention, promotion, and dismissal will be discussed. Strategies that deal with liability concerning employee behavior will be developed. Current and future managers and executives will learn the skills that are necessary to survive in the litigious society in which the agency must function.

MAJ 6608
Police Executive Leadership
3 credits

The focus on leadership traits and skills provides present and future executives the confidence necessary to achieve organizational effectiveness. Organizational theory and design, the decision making process, and issues concerning productivity, motivation, policy, performance appraisal, human resource management, and discipline will be presented in a seminar format that will draw upon experts in the field and the applicable literature.

MAJ 6609
Violent Crime
3 credits

The nature, theory, history, and psychology of violence in America are discussed through a study of crimes of violence, including homicide, rape, assault, and serial crimes. Interpersonal, group, organized, self-inflicted, and government-sanctioned violence will be discussed. Structural causes of violence such as race, gender, and social class will be explored. The causes and consequences of violence will be discussed in the context of current theory and practice.

MAJ 6610
White Collar Crime
3 credits

This course analyzes the usually nonviolent criminal conduct described as violations of trust. Typologies of white collar crime will be presented as occupational, governmental, corporate, financial, technical, professional, and religious in nature. Measurement and assessments of costs will include the economic and social damage. White collar crime will be presented through a review of the pertinent theories, including the work of Sutherland, Coleman, and Ross. Both the deviant and criminal aspects of these behaviors will be presented. A practical overview will include the prevention, detection, and prosecution of offenders as well as a survey of the law enforcement agencies tasked with specialized investigative responsibilities.

MAJ 6611
3 credits

This course deals with the many concerns that surround the victims of crime and addresses the issues that tend to ''twice victimize'' the victim by exploring the ways in which victims are treated by the system that is supposed to help them. Current trends, programs, policies, laws, and theories for dealing with the victims and survivors of crimes are discussed. Specialized responses to victims of violence, as well as the etiology of victimization, will be presented. Historical antecedents, victim compensation, victim impact statements, and public policy will be presented.

MAJ 6612
Drugs and Society
3 credits

Analysis and definition of drugs of abuse and their effect on society are presented in this course. Both the legal aspects and the social costs will be factored into the discussion. Controversial issues, including legalization and foreign relations, will be discussed. State and federal laws will be examined in light of other available options. Major offenders, including gangs and cartels, as well as current trends, strategies, and policies will be presented.

MAJ 6613
Mental Health and the Law
3 credits

The purpose of this course is to acquaint the criminal justice practitioner with the mental health field and the interaction between the two. Psychological evaluations, testing issues, insanity defense, forensic psychiatry, expert testimony, and the role of the mental health professional in criminal justice issues are included as discussion topics. Case studies and current issues will be presented in a seminar format.

MAJ 6614
Addiction Studies
3 credits

This course will review the addictive behaviors that professionals in the criminal justice system encounter on a regular basis. Substance and behavioral addictions will be reviewed in the context of victims and offenders. A variety of treatment protocols will be discussed to equip the criminal justice professional with the background to deal effectively with these criminal issues.

MAJ 6615
Therapeutic Strategies for Criminal Justice Offenders
3 credits

This course presents an overview of the strategies and various protocols that are used in the rehabilitation and counseling of criminal offenders who are incarcerated or assigned to residential facilities through judicial referrals. Institutional and non-institutional programs will be reviewed.

MAJ 6616
Judicial Procedures
3 credits

This course presents the legal framework for the study of criminal justice. Starting with an overview of the United States Constitution, the student will learn due process, probable cause, and the basic underlying concepts. Issues of search warrants, arrests, interrogation, and the trial process will be discussed. This course is especially useful and highly recommended for those students who have not had previous law courses or those who are not currently working in the criminal justice arena.

MAJ 6619
Forensic Behavior Analysis
3 credits

This course will examine the behaviors that are exhibited by criminals based upon an analysis of critical behavioral markers. Behavior will be reviewed from a variety of perspectives, including criminological, psychological, and physiological. Crime scene analysis will be discussed as a source of profiling criminal behavior, and the use of the polygraph will be explored as an attempt to examine diagnostic tools to predict and explain deviance and criminal behavior.

MAJ 6620
Criminal Justice System: Policy and Process
3 credits

This course presents a comprehensive overview of the criminal justice system in the United States. It will address issues, procedures, policies, and problems characteristically associated with the practicalities of law enforcement, the judiciary, corrections, and juvenile justice. The course will cover the philosophy and politics of policing, sentencing guidelines, contemporary issues in probation and parole, current debates in corrections associated with reform and alternative forms of punishment, and unique issues confronting the juvenile justice system. Students will critique agency policy and process.

MAJ 6621
Law and Social Control
3 credits

The social control functions of the law will be examined, with a focus upon specific issues of criminal law. The course will evaluate the complex and diverse interests that compete between the subsystems of the criminal justice system and the national social and political agendas. Questions concern how the current issues of social control impact on the passage, enforcement, and review of laws by the courts. Theories of the origin and function of law are challenged through an examination of the assumptions in the relationship between law and order.

MAJ 6632
Quantitative Applications in Criminal Justice
3 credits

This course employs both the methodological and analytical skills necessary for the analysis of issues related to criminal justice research. Students will learn the techniques of management of quantitative data and explore more advanced methods of analysis. The construction and use of questionnaires, testing of hypotheses, and answering of research questions through the use of quantitative data will be presented.

MAJ 6633
Research Methods in Criminal Justice
3 credits

Students will learn the scientific methods used in the study of issues related to crime and criminal justice. Topics will include the relationship among theory, hypotheses, and empirical research. Various methodological designs, including survey research, quasi-experimental research, and qualitative research will be explored. The language and terminology used in the interpretation of data will be presented. Issues that govern the research of crime and criminal justice will be discussed, including ethics and confidentiality.

MAJ 6634
Leadership through Films
3 credits

The quest for understanding leadership on personal, organizational and global levels is both elusive and complex. This course is designed to stimulate thoughtful consideration into the nature of leadership as depicted in film. Film provides unique insight into the character, motives, and culture allowing the student to access meaning and significance through theoretical, analytic and dialogic inquiry.

MAJ 6701
Special Topic: Ireland Study Abroad
3 credits

This course is a multidiscipline travel program to Ireland with a focus on criminal justice systems that is designed to provide the opportunity for students to experience the culture of Ireland and observe the outward manifestations of the unique signs, symbols, and traditions of the country. The focus of the course will be on expanding the student’s understanding of the host country through selected pre-travel research, readings, and lectures that will enable the student to critically review the observations on the trip in comparison to the research material. Site lectures will be conducted by the professor, local contacts, and host country university professors to provide in-depth information on identified issues.

MAJ 6900
Thesis Supervision
3 credits

This is an integrative course in which the student is expected to write a research paper that utilizes the research methods and subject matter studied in previous courses in the program. The course must be scheduled as a capstone project and should be taken as one of the last courses in the student’s program. Students should declare their intent to take this option early in the program so supervision can be arranged. This course is highly recommended for those students who plan to pursue further graduate studies. Permission of the Criminal Justice Coordinator is required.

Prerequisite(s): MAJ 6632

MAJ 6901
Graduate Practicum
3 credits

This course is intended for the non-service graduate student who wants to experience 100 hours of supervised practice in a criminal justice agency setting. The student is provided opportunities to observe, describe, and understand the operations and functions of the host agency through a variety of on-site contacts.

MAJ 7000
Contemporary Issues in Homeland Security
3 credits

Students will gain an understanding of the concept of Homeland Security and its relevance in today’s society. The macro and micro definition of Homeland Security will be thoroughly discussed. An in-depth review of the events which placed Homeland Security as a top priority of the U. S. Government will be made. Students will be given an overview of the statutory authority given to officials in the various government entities who have responsibility for Homeland Security. This overview will include a review and discussion of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and the U. S. Patriot Act. Review and discussion of the structures of federal, state and local entities responsible for Homeland Security and the means in which they are coordinating their efforts with each other are examined. Other areas related to Homeland Security will be addressed to include: hazards, safety and security, mitigation and preparedness, response and recovery, communication and technology. Finally, the course will include a discussion of how tighter Homeland Security could threaten a person’s civil liberties.

MAJ 7001
3 credits

Students will gain an understanding of modern terrorism. The focus of this course will be on terrorism with an emphasis on contemporary issues relating to Homeland Security. This course will address the impact that terrorism has on society and everyday life. Cultural and religious foundations of modern terrorism will be addressed as well as how the intelligence and law enforcement community deals with these issues. Students will learn the tactical and strategic solutions that are currently being employed in the field.

MAJ 7002
Legal Aspects of Homeland Security
3 credits

This course presents the overarching legal framework for counter-terrorism, particularly as it relates to global issues. The course will address constitutional, statutory, and regulatory issues relating to counter-terrorism law enforcement activities, including both authorizations and limitations.

MAJ 7003
Risk Assessment and Management
3 credits

Students will be exposed to the study of risk assessment and management in the context of Homeland Security. Topics will include threat assessment, analysis and management of critical infrastructure, resources and locations by both law enforcement and private industry. The course will include national threat assessment, analysis and management while emphasizing practical local and regional issues as well as hands-on planning utilizing case studies.