Course Descriptions

English for Academic Purposes

EAP 100
EAP Listening & Speaking 1
3 credits

In this course, students will improve their listening comprehension of academic speech, including main ideas and subtopics. Students will develop appropriate speaking skills for an academic context. Major pronunciation topics will be addressed, and academic vocabulary comprehension and use will be emphasized in both listening and speaking activities. Students will be introduced to skills that will help them to be successful in their future studies.

Prerequisite(s): Please note the minimum passing grade of EAP is a ''C''.

EAP 105
EAP Reading & Writing 1
3 credits

In this course, students will read academic texts and practice the skills necessary to identify and comprehend main ideas, supporting details, and academic vocabulary. They will develop academic writing skills including attention to and editing of organization, grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary. Students will come to view academic reading and writing as processes of development, rather than isolated events. The course includes an introduction to skills that will help students be successful in their future studies.

Prerequisite(s): Please note the minimum passing grade of EAP 105 is a ''C''.

EAP 110
EAP Listening & Speaking 2
3 credits

In this course, students will attend to greater detail in the academic speech they listen to, as well as understanding relationships of topics. Students will further develop academic speaking skills through the creation and delivery of recorded presentations. Advanced pronunciation topics will be addressed, and academic vocabulary comprehension and use will be emphasized in both listening and speaking activities. Students will continue to develop skills that will contribute to their future success in higher education.

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of EAP 100 (with a grade of a ''C''). Please note the minimum passing grade of EAP 110 is a ''C''.

EAP 115
EAP Reading & Writing 2
3 credits

In this course, students will continue to refine their comprehension and academic vocabulary skills through the reading of more extensive texts. Students will write essays that demonstrate their understanding of the writing process, including editing their work to reflect academic style, grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary. The course will provide an introduction to academic conventions in the use of outside sources. Students will continue to develop skills that will contribute to their future success in higher education.

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of EAP 105 (with a grade of a ''C''). Please note the minimum passing grade of EAP 115 is a ''C''.