How to Setup Verifying Your Login By Email Message

Follow these instructions to setup your second login step as entering a code sent to your personal/alternate email address.

Important: you cannot use your Wilmington University email account/address to receive your login verification code.

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Read Step-by-Step Instructions

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Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Login to WilmU Account Setup.

    1. Enter your Wilmington University email address.
      • For students, the format is
      • For employees, the format is
      login page - enter email addresss
    2. Click Next. This will bring you to Wilmington University’s log in page.
      login page - click next
    3. Enter your Wilmington University password and click Sign In.
      login page - enter password and sign in
  1. From the resulting page, click Security info on the left-hand navigation pane.
    account security info tab
  2. On the Security info page, click Add Method
    security info page - add a method
  3. Select Email from the Choose a method drop-down menu.
    choose a method drop-down list
  4. Click Add.
    add a method - click add
  5. Type your desired email address in the email field. Important: you cannot use your Wilmington University email address.
    Enter what email address you would like to use
  6. Click Next.
    click next after entering your email address
  7. A code will be sent to the email address you specified.
    screen shot of email with verification code
  8. Type the code into the Enter Code line.
    type the code and click next
  9. Click Next.
    enter verification code
  10. You have now set up your desired email address as a verification method for 2-step login.
    security info page showing email as verification method