Peer Reviews in Canvas

Some courses may use an assignment with a Peer Review option that allows students to review one or more assignment submissions by other students. The assignment type is usually set up as Online, File Upload submission type. Students share their feedback to other students by writing in a comment box, attaching a document, or evaluate using a rubric or a combination of feedback methods. Students oftentimes evaluate quality of writing, mechanics, grammar, structure, or argument of topic or offer comments of a draft submission. Many writing classes utilize Peer Review assignments, which look at mechanics and grammar, and some courses utilizing Peer Review assignments focus on review of content, ideas, or information.

Sometimes Peer Review options are configured to review student’s assignments by name or sometimes students review anonymously.

How does it work?

  1. Students submit to an assignment.

  2. After due date, or set time, or after all students submit to the assignment, students return back to the same assignment. OR students can access the Peer Review pag e once a peer review is assigned, a notification will appear on your Dashboard, To Do List, or Recent Activity area.

  3. On the right sidebar, look for assigned peer review(s). Click on the assigned name or if the review is anonymous, click on the link, Anonymous User.

  4. Read the complete paper submitted by your assigned peer(s).

  5. Follow directions to review. You may be asked to add a comment in the Comment box, leave a media Comment, attach a file or score in a rubric, or leave feedback by adding annotations on the document using the Doc Viewer.

Student Guides for Peer Reviews in Canvas

This video describes how to add comments on a Peer Review submission, submit a Peer Review, and view Peer Review feedback on your own assignment.